Part 2

              Speaking In Tongues - Tongues: Miraculous - Supernatural

                                               General James Green

I would like to write some short articles on the miraculous and supernatural aspects of Christianity. Now, I realize that too many professing “Christians” believe, for most part, that the miraculous/ supernatural has passed away, or so their pastor has told them. But let me state here that the miraculous/supernatural is still in the earth today FOR THE CHRISTIANS!


BY THE TERM “PENTECOSTAL,” I mean the experience of Acts 2:1. By the term “Pentecostals,” I mean the believers that were filled with the Holy Ghost 2:4. By the terms miraculous/supernatural, I mean the gift of tongues (2:4), signs/miracles/wonders (which Jesus performed before this Pentecost outpouring as stated in 2:22), and by the power of the Holy Ghost, “many wonders and signs were done by the apostles” (2:43). The whole book of Acts is a miraculous/supernatural advent.

Mark 16:17 and 18 spoke this: “And these signs shall follow them that believe. In my name (Jesus Christ) shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues...they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover.” ALL THIS is for those who BELIEVE.

Perform Miracles

DON’T YOU EVER BELIEVE FOR A MOMENT THAT THE MIRACULOUS/SUPERNATURAL HAS PASSED AWAY—WE WHO FOLLOW CHRIST, THE MIRACULOUS/SUPERNATURAL SHALL FOLLOW US! In fact, the miraculous/supernatural announces the Gospel of the Kingdom of God (Matt. 10:1; Mk. 3:14,15; Lk.9:2;10:17and Jn.14:12). I have already taught lessons along these lines.


BY THE TERM “CHARISMATIC”, I mean (from the word “charismata,” or gifts of the Holy Spirit, 1 Cor. 12:4), those who speak in tongues and operate in the gifts of the Spirit (1 Cor. 12:8-10); to others, it means anyone who believes in such gifs; still others define it to include anybody involved in prayer meetings or church “renewal”—a nebulous concept in itself.


BY THIS, I MEAN those (and there are LOTS of them out there!) who oppose Pentecostalism/Charismaticism—not so much the Biblical account, but today’s [supposedly “Charismatic/Pentecostal”] people. It is hard to deny the Pentecostal/Charismatic doctrine since it is written [in the Bible], but most believe that “All the miraculous/supernatural has passed away. Now we have just the Bible and man’s good works.”

Lesson #1–“Tongues”

AS ALREADY STATED, many believe that the miraculous/supernatural is no longer in operation today—I mean the gifts of the Holy Spirit. Speaking in tongues, they say, simply means speaking eloquently in one’s own language, or a learned language.

Tongues has been discarded like that of healing, casting out devils, and prophecy etc.. “Who needs to speak babble if one can speak in their own language, or a learned language?” the anti-Pentecostal/anti-Charismatic crowd discourage. “Who needs to lay hands on the sick and diseased when we have the medical profession out there?” they warn. “Who needs to hear prophecy when we have the completed Bible to read?” they admonish. These ARE non-Spirit-filled believers (DULL AND DUMB CHURCHITES in a better word).

True, one can believe a morning or evening homily given in eloquence and call it “tongues,” but spare me: this is NOT like Acts 2:4 describes, and where is the cloven tongues of fire? There is a difference between eloquence in English and that of a supernatural/miraculous language.

This English word "glossolalia" is derived from the noun glossa [G1100] and lalia ([G2981], the substitute of laleo [G2980]). In Greek, glossolalia as a compound word does not occur in the NT” (“The Complete Word Study Dictionary,” 1992).


THE FALSE ALLEGATION that tongues have passed away, deprives the believers of seeking them. It denies the miraculous/supernatural nature of the gift of the Spirit (1 Cor. 12 and 14). Friends, the miraculous/supernatural gifts are “manifestations” of the Holy Spirit, i.e., Holy Ghost (1 Cor. 12:7).

Please study your Bible—gifts are NOT manifestations of human skill with the Spirit’s help! Tongues are not learned languages.

Some poor unbelieving-believers think of tongues as mere expressive oration in one’s learned language—“inspirational, imaginative, exuberant”!

Take Note of This:

IF ANY MAN speak in an unknown tongue...let one interpret. But if there be no interpreter, let him (or her) keep silence in the church; and let him speak to himself, and to God” (1 Cor. 14:27, 28).

Why, dear unbelievers, is the eloquent speaker required to KEEP SILENT unless his/her oratory is translated into another language? Why be eloquent to themselves and to God alone?

Of course, we’re dealing with prophecy in these verses, not one’s private “tongues” prayer language. There is also the gift of interpretation of tongues. These are “unknown tongues” which “speaketh not unto men (as in prophecy), but unto God (our personal communication in tongues); for no man understandeth him; howbeit in the spirit, he speaketh mysteries” (14:2). Verse 4 tells us that “He that speaketh in an unknown tongue edifieth himself; but he that prophesieth edifieth the Church” (14:27). Hence there is still an order established by God among believers who speak in “tongues”.

Confused Yet?

YOU SEE, when we receive the baptism in the Holy Ghost (i.e. Pentecostal experience), we receive the gift of personal tongues—for our personal prayer to edification—but some have the gift of prophecy, whereby tongues and/or interpretation of tongues edifies the assembly of believers. You see, prophecy edifies the Ekklesia more than un-interpreted tongues (vv. 1-4); prophecy and tongues with interpretation are equally important to the Church (v. 5); speaking in tongues in public services without interpretation is of no benefit to others (vv. 2-12). Of course, some can give forth prophecy in one’s language, just as well if the Spirit moves upon the prophet/prophetess. What I am saying (and what the Bible says as well), is that those who speak or pray in tongues in the Ekklesia should seek to edify the members by praying for, or working in, the gift of interpretation (v. 13).

In Paul’s personal life, speaking in tongues to God was an important means of worship and spiritual growth (vv. 14-19).

Prophecy is more useful than un-interpreted tongues because prophecy brings conviction of sin and the knowledge of God’s presence (vv. 20-25).

So, speaking in tongues and prophesying must be regulated so that order may be maintained and that the believers (or sinners at times) may receive what the Spirit is saying (vv. 26-40).

Speaking in an unknown tongue in our private worship needs not to be interpreted, for God understands His own language, and the languages of ALL men.

I personally pray and speak in tongues—glossolalia—and I also pray and preach in English.

My Understanding

PAUL IN 14:19 says, “Yet in the Church (Ekklesia is the Greek word) I had rather speak five words with my understanding...than 10,000 words in an unknown tongue.”

So, if speaking in tongues means “[speaking in] eloquence,” why does the apostle compare speaking in tongues, to speaking with his own (learned) understanding? We read in 1 Cor. 14:2, as already mentioned: “For he that speaketh in an unknown tongue speaketh NOT unto men, but unto God: for no man understandeth him.” Now, if tongues were merely learned oratory, why would no one understand the speaker? Listen, by it’s very definition, oratory is understandable.

Let me repeat again this too: “For if I (Paul) pray in an unknown tongue, my spirit prayeth but my understanding is unfruitful” (v.14). What Paul is writing to the Corinthians is: if praying in tongues is merely oratory prayer in his native language, why would the speaker’s mind be unfruitful? You anti-tongues people please explain this to me!

Verse 5 says, “...greater is he that prophesieth than he that speaketh with tongues, except he (or she) interpret, that the church may receive edifying.” Pray, tell me why an eloquent sermon needs to be interpreted? As one Bible scholar pointed out, “This doctrine implies that church-goers are only edified if the sermon is translated into a foreign language!”

...If I come unto you speaking with tongues, what shall I profit you?” (v. 6). Good question, brother Paul. So, if Paul, Jesus, or anyone delivered a Gospel message in eloquent style, it WOULD profit you.

Dr. D. L. Barnett and J. P. McGregor, Th.B., Th.M. in their scholarly book “Speaking in Other Tongues” (out of print) makes this statement: “These verses (above) make sense only if tongues are languages foreign to the speaker and his audience. Eloquent speech would not cause everyone to be ‘amazed’ and ‘entirely at a loss’ (Acts 2:7,12, lit. Greek). Eloquence would not cause foreigners from many nations to hear the languages in which they were born (v. 8). And certainly eloquence would not give occasion (even for a crowd of biased, close-minded, and insincere mockers) to claim that those speaking in tongues were drunk! (Acts 2:13).”

Pentecost Miracle

SO, MY DEAR anti-Pentecostal/anti-Charismatic Churchites, the miracle at Pentecost was that the disciples “...began to speak with other tongues...” as Acts 2:4 tells us!

The word “other” has to mean “OTHER THAN THEIR NATIVE LANGUAGE.” You see, tongues were a SIGN (Mark 16:17; 1 Cor. 14:22), so they had to be miraculous/supernatural in character.

So it is today—the sign of God’s Holy Ghost baptism, which I do have! has always been something special, miraculous, and supernatural. Learning, say Spanish, is not unique or supernatural. This fact evidences the anti-tongues people to be unscholarly, bias, and bigoted to say the least.

Forbid Not Tongues!

THIS WAS PAUL’S advice in finishing up Chapter 14 (v. 39). He writes, “...covet to prophesy, and FORBID NOT to speak with tongues.” He adds in the following verse: “Let all things be done decently and in order” (v. 40).

This double injunction concludes his discussion of prophecy and tongues. These anti-tongues churches today that claim to follow the LORD’s Word, yet forbid tongues/prophecy are not only fakes, but “Spirit haters.” The Holy Ghost baptism is still available—Get it!

The following comes from Disputation of Archelous and Manes – c.320, E,6.211 -

“In that first Epistle to the Corinthians, Paul speaks in the following terms of the perfection that is to come: and whether there are prophecies that will fail. Whether there are tongues, they will lease. Whether there is knowledge, it will be destroyed. For we know in part, and we prophesy in part. But when that which is perfect will come, then that which is in part will be done away…” (1 Corinthians 13:8-10). Let this man [Manes, a heretic] tell us what prophecy of the Jews or Hebrews he has done away with. Or what tongues, he has caused to cease – whether of the Greeks or of others who worship idols. Or what alien dogmas has he destroyed – whether of a Valentinus, Marcion, Tatian, or a Sabellius – or of any others of those who have constructed for themselves their peculiar systems of knowledge? [Archelaus (3rd century was a Christian bishop who publicly debated Manes, the founder of Manichaeism, a religious sect in Persia that incorporated many Gnostic elements, particularity dualism. It spread throughout the East as a distinct religion, but it emerged in the west primarily as a Christian heresy.

Archelaus believed the “perfect” was Jesus.

If one reads the writings from the early Christians/Church Fathers, one will see that they both agreed and disagreed with one another on certain issues, 1 Corinthians 12-14 in particular. The Apostolic Constitutions (compiled c.390 – 7. 479 – 7.481; extended discussion 7.479 -7.481) speaks about casting out demons, speaking in tongues, miracles, prophecies, et al.

Testullian wrote: Paul’s reason for saying so was so that they could re-assert his apostolic authority. For apostles have the Holy Spirit (baptism) properly. They have Him FULLY in the operations of prophecy, the efficacy of virtues, and the evidences of tongues. They do not have Him partially as all others do,” (c.212-4.53). So, the gifts did not STOP after the first disciples/apostles died off, NO! They continued!!!

[Testullian – 160 – 230 – was a fiery Christian, aggressive in his preachings and writings. He was from Carthage, North Africa. It is said that later in life he came under the influence of the montonist sect (A.D. 211), not theologically but in the way of Church discipline. The Montanists referred to the Roman Catholic believers as the “psychics” or “un-spiritual.” I believe some of the RCC are genuine but unsaved!

Origen, concerning spiritual gifts wrote: “Traces of those signs and wonders are still preserved among those who regulate their lives by the teachings of the Gospel” – c.248, 4. 397-98. [Origen B.185, D.255; a pupil of clement of Alexandria. He has been called the “father of Christian theology.”

Quadratrus wrote (125 AD) that our Savior’s works were always present. For they were real. They consisted of those who had been healed of their diseases and those who had been raised from the dead. Those persons were not only seen whole they were being healed and raised up, but they were afterwards constantly present. Nor did they remain during the sojourn of the Savior on earth, but also a considerable time after His departure. Indeed, some of them have survived even down to our own times” – 8.749.

I could write for hours, quoting from many, many sources/individuals about the miracle gifts – they HAVE NOT STOPPED. No sir. I’ve seen many. I’ve seen my wife healed of life-threatening cancers 3 times. She (at this writing, our 53rd spirit birthday December 6, 1971) is 76 and still going on for the Lord, as I am. We encourage any and all to seek for the baptism of the Holy Ghost (or Spirit – a free gift after one has been saved).

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